• 变形金刚 银河之力 第21话
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Transformers Galaxy Force EP21 - Fight! Liger Jack




In a confrontation with Megatron and Scourge, Leobreaker lets his temper get the better of him, and, against Optimus’ direct orders, attacks Scourge. Scourge defeats him easily, but seems to have developed a grudging respect for the Autobot. Backstop tells Optimus about Scourge's past as well as Snarl and Leobreaker. Long ago, Jungle Planet had no leader until Scourge stepped up. Leobreaker then tells Snarl about his past. Back when he was Overhaul, he was a reckless lone wolf and no one wanted to partner up with him. On one mission, he was trapped under rocks, and was rescued by Optimus who tried to give him cover. Leobreaker realized that Optimus and the team had always looked out for him. Surprisingly, Optimus arrives. Optimus explains that he has been wrong about keeping their mission a secret. Every planet was different and had many customs, and wherever they go, they find people who wanted to help - valuable allies and friends. Optimus realizes that the only way to obtain the Jungle Planet Key is to fight Scourge. He sends Backstop to deliver his message. Megatron is infuriated and Sideways whispers a plan to Starscream.

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