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  • 鲁邦三世 PART5 第24话
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Lupin III: Part 5 EP24 - Viva Lupin III

Premiered: 2018-09-18

Duration: 00:22:45


When Enzo refuses to take down Lupin's PeopleLog posts, the United States and its allies launch an all-out attack on Shake Handz to prevent a worldwide political crisis. Calling on the aid of his old friends Rebecca Rosselini and Diana Archer, Lupin storms the Shake Handz headquarters to save Fujiko and Ami. Enzo is taken completely by surprise, shaking his faith in his creation. Lupin gives Fujiko his long over-due answer concerning their relationship, saying that he loves her and takes off his own mask. The four of them escape the collapsing building, during which Enzo renews his family bond with Ami. The series concludes with the world returning to normal, and Lupin's fame boosted by his recent exploits. Albert flees with Enzo's assistant Ling to exploit PeopleLog's capacities for his own purposes, while Ami and Enzo are sheltered by Zenigata, who gladly continues his never ending chase of Lupin and his gang.


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