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  • 罗德斯岛战记-英雄骑士传- 第15话
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Lodoss-tou Senki: Eiyuu Kishi Den EP15 - An Old Enemy... Reunion with the Black Knight




Ashram, who was saved by Groder from the lava, confronts the egomaniacal Rabido. However he allows Rabido to head out to defeat the free army in order to totally conquer Kanon and remain as governor. Ashram does not reveal that he is the new governor. As insurance against the free army, Rabido uses the villagers as a shield and hostages to be executed should his forces lose. A spy informs Prince Reona of the hostage situation and so he sends Parn, Hobb, Deedlit and Maar to save them. Meanwhile the free army ambushes Rabido's Marmo army and Rabido is killed. Parn enters the village and is surprised to find it empty. Ashram has saved the villagers from Rabido's tyranny and they are now on their way to Rood which Marmo will defend heavily. He intends to unite all of Lodoss as before and so Parn fights him, with Pirotess preventing any interference. Ashram easily defeats Parn but refuses to kill him as he says that a king needs subjects and subjects need a king who protects them. But as he walks away he says that their battle will never be over.


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