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  • 快感指令 第15话
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Kaikan Phrase EP15 - Magical Mystery Tour




Lucifer borrows a minibus and drives to Hakodate. Sakuya rides on ahead on his motorbike. Atsuro has reconciled with his parents and moved back home, but Yuki is still estranged from his parents and living with Towa. Lucifer tries to find live venues to play, but the bars only want local bands and are not impressed by the second placing in the Tokyo contest. The band members all try and fail to persuade the clubs. Sakuya suggests a 24 hour live show by the roadside. A crowd gathers. Two men want to sell their theater tickets and hang out with them. Afterwards, one offers to lend them a venue. Yuuka advertises the "Lucifer live warehouse show". It is a huge success. They drive on to the next city, Nagoya.


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