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  • 秦时明月之万里长城 第31话
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Qin Shi Mingyue: Wanli Changcheng EP31 - Foils

Premiered: 2012-12-21

Duration: 22m


General Meng and Star Wraith have surround the Confucian village. They enter a house and find a young woman and a sick person. They leave, however Star Wraith sees the Blood-Stained Jade Leaf Flower and is suspicious. That evening, the Mohists are bitten by golden beetles which paralyses them with the Yin and Yang's Corpse Deity Sprite Curse which disables their internal skills. They realise that the Qin saw through their disguises and outsmarted them. When Ziming and Ziyu arrive, they are confronted by Star Wraith, Shao Siming and Da Siming of the Ynn and Yang group. General Meng recognises Ziyu (Xiang Shaoyu) who challenges him to a duel which General Meng is too smart to accept. Xiao Yao and Ge Nie emerge to join Tianming (Ziming) and Shaoyu to confront the Yin and Yang group. Even though they have lost their internal skills, they manage to counter Star Wraith's first attack.

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