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  • 王牌鉴定人 第3话
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Gallery Fake EP3 - The 13th Courier




While waiting with Fujita to board an airplane at JFK airport, Sara complains of being harassed. Later, they meet Moretti of the Ufizi Museum, also on his way to the Renaissance exhibition at the Daito Museum with his 12 couriers[b] to transport the paintings, including Raphael's Virgin and Child. During the flight, a group of thieves attempt to steal the paintings, but they rupture an air conditioning circuit, causing the temperature to drop dramatically in the hold. Raphael's painting on wood begins to crack and Fujita recommends that it be repaired immediately in the climate-controlled cabin area. Fujita skillfully repairs the crack, but then negotiates with the Carlos, the gang's leader to let the delivery proceed, however Moretti has to pay a ransom to keep the paintings. When they arrive in Japan, Sara recognizes Carlos as the man who harassed her. As the exhibition opens, Fujita has earned the respect of the 12 couriers, who say that he could be a courier himself.


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