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  • 萩萩公主 第15话
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Princess Tutu EP15 - Monster Raven - Blumenwalzer (Part 2)

Premiered: 2002-11-29



The beginning starts with Duck dreaming of dancing with Myuuto as herself, not Princess Tutu, until he makes the mark for death and turns into an injured Fakir. Shocked, Duck wakes and recalls what happened when she saved Myuuto from Princess Kraehe. Later in the day Duck bumps into Myuuto and Fakir and contemplates telling Myuuto everything, but Fakir distracts Myuuto so she can keep the fact she is a duck a secret from Myuuto. Fakir wonders why Myuuto does not want to know Princess Tutu's real identity, but Myuuto tells him it doesn't matter because he believes she will tell him herself one day after he has gotten all of his heart back. Drosslemeyer comments on how the days are calm but says they will not stay so forever. In class Mr. Cat tells a story of meeting a legendary dancer in his younger years to explain the importance of practicing the basics of ballet. During the story the still-corrupted heart shard in Myuuto's heart acts up, and he later steals the shoes given to Mr. Cat by his role model. Rue speaks with her father, who is revealed to be the Raven from the story, and praises how the raven's blood in Myuuto's body is changing him like they wanted. Meanwhile, Duck climbs to the roof of the dorms and sees first a crow, and then Myuuto jumping from his dorm window while talking to Fakir. For a second time, Duck transforms into Princess Tutu to save him.

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