
Kirakira☆Precure A La Mode EP21 - Say What?! Ciel's Identity Revealed!

Premiered: 2017-07-02

Duration: 00:24:40


While becoming curious about Ciel after she mentions kirakiral, Ichika sees some strange ghost like figures, prompting the Elder to send out a signal at Strawberry Mountain. This attracts all the fairies that had been spread apart, who were helped out by Gummy and his reformed allies. As Ichika and the others hold a cooking party to welcome everyone back, Ciel makes an unexpected appearance, revealing herself to be a fairy named Kirarin. Just then, Bibly shows up and attempts to steal all of the kirakiral once again, using her own dark kirakiral to power Iru up even further, but is once again defeated by the Cures. However, they are then approached by Julio, who has received extra dark power from Noir.

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