Galaxy Angel Z EP17 「ツキなし月見そば」
Premiered: 2002-03-31
Duration: 12m
PV Episodes
Main Episodes
EP1 - Angel Challenge Jelly Trial & Muscle Bound Broad Noodles
Date:Feb 3, 2002 -
EP2 - Quick Note: Ballottine of Sigh & Surprise Dim Sum
Date:Feb 3, 2002 -
EP3 - Memory Rally Chop Suey & Deep Fog Sorbet
Date:Feb 10, 2002 -
EP4 - Deep Fried Egg Rolls of Love & Wedding Cake Combiner Special
Date:Feb 10, 2002 -
EP5 - GA Analytic Tea Ceremony & Served to Taste Revenge Lunch
Date:Feb 17, 2002 -
EP6 - Revolving Sushi to the Hereafter & Steel Jambalaya
Date:Feb 17, 2002 -
EP10 - Gun Smoke and Tobacco Smoke Cassoulet
Date:Mar 3, 2002 -
EP11 「彼岸への回転寿司」
Date:Mar 10, 2002 -
EP12 「鋼のジャンバラヤ」
Date:Mar 10, 2002 -
EP13 「機内食(具沢山弁解カレー)」
Date:Mar 17, 2002 -
EP14 「愛と疑惑のもんじゃ」
Date:Mar 17, 2002 -
EP15 「新鮮とれたて驚異の舟盛り」
Date:Mar 24, 2002 -
EP16 「禁断のムニエル魅惑の山かけ」
Date:Mar 24, 2003 -
EP17 「ツキなし月見そば」
Date:Mar 31, 2002 -
EP18 「誰も見たことのない謎のカルパッチョ」
Date:Mar 31, 2002
Extra Episodes
EP19 「硝煙と紫煙のカスレ」
Date:Apr 25, 2002