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Busou Renkin EP15 - An Intermediate Existence
After a short battle, Victor concludes that it would take too much time to defeat Kazuki and leaves the school. After reuniting with Captain Bravo, Papillon leaves to research Victor in order to turn Kazuki back into a human being. The next day, they decide to head to the beach where Tokiko runs into Gouta Nakamura. He tells Tokiko to meet with him at night for important information.
PV Episodes
Main Episodes
EP1 - A New Life
Date: -
EP4 - Another New Life
Date: -
EP5 - To Protect Someone
Date: -
EP9 - The Hayasaka Twins
Date: -
EP12 - Carnival
Date: -
EP13 - Signs Of Death
Date: -
EP14 - Who Are You?
Date: -
EP16 - New Strength
Date: -
EP17 - When Dawn Comes
Date: -
EP18 - The Escape
Date: -
EP21 - Gone Into Flame
Date: -
EP26 - Period