Yume Tsukai EP1 - The Dream Starts, Rainy Classroom
Premiered: 2006-0-4-08
The story begins with the mysterious disappearance of Kei Mizuno into a rainy classroom having become community discourse to such a degree that the Yume Tsukai are compelled to investigate; the Kayousei Yume Tsukai Rinko Mishima interceding against a nightmare that nearly seduces Yuuka Mori into cooperating with her own abduction becomes a brief practical tutorial about dreams that manifest themselves in ghastly physical form to wreak havoc along with the role of the Yume Tsukai in counteracting them. After a labyrinthine journey to the Warabe Yuusai Toy Store, the Nichiyousei Yume Tsukai Touko Mishima explains Yuuka the situation in more detail with a brief demonstration before Rinko returns with a dream fragment; even after several in-flight paper airplanes, it is still not exactly clear what the deviant diagnostic is. A visit from the girls' aunt Misako ultimately becomes the skeleton key for Touko to learn Yuuka's prologue with Kei along with the insight of what now needs to take place; a fierce battle laden with Shinto ritualistic mechanics later, Yuuka is left with a dangerous opportunity with how she handles her feelings for Kei.
PV Episodes
Main Episodes
EP1 - The Dream Starts, Rainy Classroom
Date:Dec 4, 2005 -
EP2 - Gentle Footsteps
Date:Apr 15, 2006 -
EP3 - Swelling Heart Of Love
Date:Apr 22, 2006 -
EP4 - The Doyousei Appears
Date:Apr 29, 2006 -
EP5 - Like A Family
Date:May 6, 2006 -
EP6 - Dream's Holiday
Date:May 13, 2006 -
EP7 - The Secret Garden
Date:May 20, 2006 -
EP8 - The Memories Vanish
Date:May 27, 2006 -
EP9 - The Boy That Lives In The Dark
Date:Jun 3, 2006 -
EP10 - Misako, Sails Out
Date:Jun 10, 2006 -
EP11 - A Nightmare From The Past
Date:Jun 17, 2006 -
EP12 - The End Of The Dream, Touko's Choice
Date:Jun 24, 2006