Shinreigari EP16 - Hopeful Monster
At Kurata, Makoto and Tarō meet Makoto's mother and he failed at killing her. Tarō recognizes Makoto's mother's lover, Masato, as Snark. Meanwhile, Masayuki discovers spirits in the biotech research facility in an OBE. He sees his dad speaking with Reika about his research but then he's attacked by some spirit monsters called "hopeful monsters" by Reika's lab tech.
PV Episodes
Main Episodes
EP1 - Lucid Dream
Date: -
EP3 - Phobia Exposure
Date: -
EP6 - Brain Homunculus
Date: -
EP9 - Existential Ghosts
Date: -
EP11 - Syntax Error
Date: -
EP14 - Emergence Matrix
Date: -
EP16 - Hopeful Monster
Date: -
EP17 - Implicate Order
Date: -
EP19 - Negentropy
Date: -
EP20 - Shaman's District
Date: -
EP22 - Passage
Extra Episodes
Count: 0