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  • 药师寺凉子怪奇事件簿 第9话
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Yakushiji Ryouko no Kaiki Jikenbo EP9 - Queen of Shiba

Premiered: 2008-08-30

Duration: 00:23:40


Superintendent Yakushiji receives an email from the Paris District Police Department and temporarily stops reporting to the office thereafter.

Meanwhile, Assistant Inspector Izumida is invited by Superintendent Muromachi for a private discussion about an investigation she has been conducting, in a personal capacity, on Shiba and the mysterious woman who controls it from the shadows known simply as the Queen of Shiba.

Weeks later, a bill regulating the practice of amakudari is voted upon and backed by a secret organization of renegade police officials led by the Queen of Shiba, a smear campaign is launched capitalizing on Yakushiji's notoriety in the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.

Amidst the controversy and media attention, Yakushiji shows up and takes Izumida away to infiltrate a JPP stronghold in the Greater Tokyo Area where they discover the existence of a kid in her early teens who looks exactly like her.

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Count: 0