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  • 幻影少年 第24话
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Monochrome Factor EP24 - The Shadow of the King


Duration: 24m


Shirogane dies <-- No, He is not dead, is only back in the Shadow World;; After finding out that Haruka is actually Ushi-sama, they followed him into Mt. Fuji. Aya and Kengo separate with Akira and Shirogane respectively to deal with any blockages. That doesn't exclude Shirogane himself after an attack from the possessed butler. When Akira found Haruka, he told him everything causing the King of Darkness himself to appear, capturing Haruka. Shirogane came to the rescue but in the end it was Akira who, turned into his Rei form last minute, saved Haruka who cried to be with his nakama. The others who appeared to be safe reached Akira, Shirogane and Haruka with Mayu and Master. Shirogane was then given back his Darkness powers, that he first gave to Akira, the same way like he did and disappeared back into the Shadow world, according to Master. Even though Master was not sure if he'd be safe back there or not. Life went back to normal after that and Akira was more than happy to lead his boring life, again.


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