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Akage no Anne EP41 - Off to Queen's College
Mrs.Spencer comes to Green Gables with a new adoption offer made by an American couple, but Anne listened to it as if she was hearing a story. Marilla decides to get a gown made for Anne. Mutual thoughts surrounds the house as the bittersweet moment finally approaches as for Anne to go to Queen's.
PV Episodes
Main Episodes
EP4 - Anne's History
Date: -
EP9 - A Solemn Vow
Date: -
EP12 - Anne's Confession
Date: -
EP15 - Fall is Coming
Date: -
EP19 - Diana's Birthday
Date: -
EP20 - Spring Once Again
Date: -
EP25 - A Letter to Diana
Date: -
EP26 - The Concert Plan
Date: -
EP38 - My Number is 13
Date: -
EP39 - The Results
Date: -
EP40 - The Concert Hotel
Date: -
EP46 - Matthew's Love