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  • 健康全裸游泳社 海商 第13话
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Kenkou Zenrakei Suiei-bu Umishou EP13 - Mermaid




It's the Medley Relay Finals! Amuro has been chosen to replace Orizuka on the team. At the end of the first leg, Umishou, Tamatsuka and Shinomiya are neck and neck. Sanae, swimming breast stroke, falls behind Tamatsuka and Shinomaya into seventh place. However, Shizuoka, swimming butterfly, quickly gains several places and Amuro is set as anchor with her signature, unique "mermaid" style. Miraculously, she catches the other teams and pulls out a come-from-behind victory. With this win as the basis, several more swimmers (including Ikariya) make it to the Inter-High competition. For Sanae and Orizuka, the episode ends with them reflecting on their three years on the Umishou team. For Amuro and Kaname, however, things end differently. Amuro reminds Kaname about the bargain -- he has to do anything she wants. Kaname still believes she will want a kiss, and prepares himself. However, Amuro simply wants to go swimming with Kaname. It is revealed, when Kaname slips into the water accidentally, that Amuro is indeed the mermaid he saw several years before on Okinawa and she saved him when he slipped from the rock on which he was standing. The next day, at practice, everyone else begins to demand their own rewards, and when Amuro asks for hers, Kaname reveals that she got hers already. This causes an uproar and the accusation that the two are dating. Kaname denies it, but when asked by Makio, Amuro simply replies, "you guys found out?". An extended end-credits scene presents a series of stills (essentially scenes from the manga) showing the team traveling to Okinawa for the Inter-High Tournament.


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