Moetan EP1 - Magical Teacher
The story begins as a mage known as Arcs Sheldart Elbayas has been put on trial in front of a council from the planet "Alphabet". He then escapes through a hole he blew in the building. He flees to a field and is found by the king who is then only a voice. He is sent through a black hole and meets up with Ink as she prays at a shrine. She is surprised that a duck is talking because Arcs was turned into it. He then faints and she takes him home. He awakens in her room and introduces himself. He Tells her she has to become a mage and when she accepts he gives her the "Magi-Mail", which to her is just a regular cellphone. She then goes to Nao-kuns house to help him with his English homework. While there, Arcs finds a dirty magazine on the floor and shows it to Pastel Ink. Nao-kun sees this and kicks her out.
PV Episodes
Main Episodes
EP1 - Magical Teacher
Date: -
EP5 - A Little Memory
Date: -
EP7 - Trouble
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EP8 - The Wind...Flows
Date: -
EP9 - Forbidden Time
Date: -
EP11 - Skip!
Date: -
EP12 - Skip!
Date: -
EP13 世紀末覇者!魔法少女総進撃
Extra Episodes
EP5.5 すみと瑠璃子のもえたんダイアリー