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  • 出租魔法使 第2话
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Rental Magica EP2 - A Witch's Vow


Duration: 24m


As the Astral members converse about dates and corresponding unluckiness, Itsuki complains about the responsibilities of becoming president. As he takes a walk from the city, he is confronted by Adelicia, who is incensed that he is unaware of Goetia, and uses her magic in an attempt to coerce Itsuki into pulling out of a bid. Honami stops her, and Adelicia retreats. Later, Nekoyashiki asks Itsuki to join Honami in dispelling a spell wave contamination. However, a mansion appears, and Honami recalls how in their youth, Itsuki saved her from a magical creature, changing his Glamsight in the process. Honami saves him from a Dullahan in the mansion, fulfilling her desire to protect Itsuki. At school, Adelicia arrives as a new student, much to Itsuki's embarrassment and Honami's chagrin.


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