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  • 少年阴阳师 第23话
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Shounen Onmyouji EP23 - The Flame of Kagutsuchi Shines Majestically




Despite not fully healed yet, Masahiro goes out at night to Kifune via Kuromanosuke to meet Dragon God Takaokami and she tells him that Touda's been used by Guji and Masahiro asked if there's a way to save him but there isn't. Takaokami explains that Shikigami are born from human desires so if Masahiro doesn't save Touda, he'll forget about him and turned into a different form. Kochin appears just as Masahiro passed out and she took Masahiro back to the house. The next day, Masahiro goes out to work and Toshitsugu tells him to rest and takes his place. Meanwhile at Yukinari's place, Masahiro's not sure if killing Touda can solve everything and leaves afterwards then asks Rikugo and Tai'in if Tennitsu is okay from her injuries but they said she'll be alright. Back at Kifune, Masahiro decides to lent Takaokami's power: "The Flame of Kagutsuchi" but needs Suzaku's soul to control its power. Later, Masahiro and Toshitsugu goes to Izumo and leaves Akiko's charm with her.


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