Darker than Black: Ryuusei no Gemini EP2 - The Fallen Meteor...
Premiered: 2009-10-15
Kirihara has searched long and hard for BK201?s true identity, and what she discovers of his past is shocking, but the impending destruction of Tokyo is foremost on the minds facing off in this final battle.
PV Episodes
Main Episodes
EP1 - The Black Cat Won't Dream of Stars...
Date:Oct 8, 2009 -
EP2 - The Fallen Meteor...
Date:Oct 15, 2009 -
EP3 - Vanishing into the Snow Field...
Date:Oct 22, 2009 -
EP4 - The Ark Rocks on the Lake...
Date:Oct 29, 2009 -
EP5 - Gunpowder Smoke Drifts Away, Life Drifts Away...
Date:Nov 5, 2009 -
EP6 - The Smell Is Sweet, the Heart Is Bitter...
Date:Nov 12, 2009 -
EP7 - The Doll Sings to the Wind Flower...
Date:Nov 19, 2009 -
EP8 - On Summer Days, the Sun Sways...
Date:Nov 26, 2009 -
EP9 - A Sudden Meeting on a Certain Day...
Date:Dec 3, 2009 -
EP10 - Your Smile in the Street of Lies...
Date:Dec 10, 2009 -
EP11 - The Water Bottom Dries, the Moon is Full...
Date:Dec 17, 2009 -
EP12 - The Ark of Stars
Date:Dec 24, 2009
Extra Episodes
Count: 0