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Darker than Black: Kuro no Keiyakusha EP20 - Without Dreaming Shallow Dreams, and Falling Drunk... (2)

Premiered: 2007-08-16



The Organization orders Huang to kill Shihoko, and as a secondary directive secretly orders Mao and Hei to kill them and Alma if Huang fails. In Huang's past we see him falling for Shihoko, and then Shihoko killing his then police partner Isozaki. Isozaki's wife's memory is wiped by the ME, and Huang is drafted into the Syndicate. He is unable to kill Shihoko, and asks Hei to kill them both. Hei tries to help them run away while Mao refuses to have any involvement. When they arrive at the docks to wait for a boat, Shihoko sees someone from the Syndicate and realizes they cannot escape. For love of Huang she runs into the path of an oncoming truck and dies.

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