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Pandora Hearts EP20 - Modulation
After Oz, Eliot, Leo and Ada make it out of the secret tunnel at Latowidge Academy Oz remembers to ask about the melody he heard Eliot playing earlier, entitled "Lacie". Eliot claims to have written it, then asks Oz his name. Gilbert appears and Oz starts to kick him. Eliot then attacks Gilbert, much to Oz and Gil's surprise, telling him he should be ashamed of wearing a high school uniform at the age of 24. Gil reveals Oz's name when Eliot threatens Oz, and Eliot doesn't believe him. Back with Sharon and Break, Oz and Gil seem to be angry and depressed, while Alice is eating by herself. Sharon beats Break and Emily with a paper fan repeatedly and helps Alice with her emotions. Oscar enters with wine and everyone except Oz and Break get drunk.
PV Episodes
Main Episodes
EP1 - Innocent Calm
Date: -
EP6 - Where am I ?
Date: -
EP8 - Question
Date: -
EP9 - Malediction
Date: -
EP11 - Fallen Raven
Date: -
EP16 - His Name Is...
Date: -
EP17 - Hello My Sister!
Date: -
EP18 - Eliot & Leo
Date: -
EP19 - The Pool of Tears
Date: -
EP20 - Modulation
Date: -
EP24 - Kyrie