Kämpfer EP8 - Dearest, the First Date
Premiered: 2009-11-19
Shizuku asks Male Natsuru to go out on a date with her. While Shizuku is generally insistent that it's a proper date, Natsuru just goes along with it thinking it is a plan to draw out the White Kämpfer.
PV Episodes
Main Episodes
EP1 - Destiny, the Chosen Ones
Date:Oct 1, 2009 -
EP2 - Glow, the Fight of Death Starts
Date:Oct 8, 2009 -
EP3 - Lily, the Secret Flower Garden
Date:Oct 15, 2009 -
EP4 - Declaration of War, the Fighting Maidens
Date:Oct 22, 2009 -
EP5 - Comedy, First Kiss
Date:Oct 29, 2009 -
EP6 - Homecoming, are You My Friend or Enemy?
Date:Nov 5, 2009 -
EP7 - Invite, the Uninvited Guests
Date:Nov 12, 2009 -
EP8 - Dearest, the First Date
Date:Nov 19, 2009 -
EP9 - Midsummer, Tropical Cyclone of Love
Date:Nov 26, 2009 -
EP10 - Fall, a Summer Experience
Date:Dec 3, 2009 -
EP11 - To Choose, a Song of Happiness
Date:Dec 10, 2009 -
EP12 - Christmas, the Miracle of the Entrails Dolls
Date:Dec 17, 2009