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Rinne no Lagrange EP12 - Until We Meet Again, In Kamogawa

Premiered: 2012-03-25

Duration: 00:24:00


Two weeks later, the town learns that alien civilizations exist and that Lan is the crowned princess of Le Garite. Lan is soon due to return to her home planet. Going up to the Hill of Vows to place a padlock under a goddess statue, Madoka and Lan make a promise that they, along with Muginami, will meet up again in Kamogawa before parting ways. In the past, after the Lagrange flowers bloomed, a large energy field appeared in the sky. Madoka found herself subconsciously speaking to Yurikano, who told Madoka to follow her own path. A motivated Madoka regained control of Midori and changed the energy field into a Lagrange flower with the help of Lan and Muginami. As Madoka learned that Youko is still alive, Midori suddenly shut down and Villagulio targeted Madoka. However, Villagulio was stopped by the arrival of the Le Garite army, led by Dizelmine, prompting Muginami to leave with Villagulio in order to save him. In the present, Madoka and Lan say farewell to each other. Moid is revealed as an observer for Dizelmine. As autumn approaches, Asteria reveals her memoria imprinted on her chest to Youko, while Madoka receives a letter from Muginami.

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