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  • 纸箱战机W 第16话
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Danball Senki W EP16 - The Shocking Vampire Cat

Premiered: 2012-05-02



NICS arrives at Alohaora Island, where the President's speech is being given and Artemis is being held. They have one day to get ready for the events. Waiting for them when the arrive are none other than Gouda and Daiki, who will be entering Artemis as a team. Ban and Jin agree to confide in them. On the island also is the assassin who tried to kill Zaizen the previous year. He recognizes Ban and realizes he should be on his guard. The President arrives with much media covering her arrival. Included in the security detail are Takuya, Yagami, and the other agents. Yagami and his agents have been sent by Zaizen to join the NICS security detail. Gouda and Daiki hear the details and agree to serve as additional watchmen. They receive the EM wave program. The next day comes, and the NICS kids enter Artemis and let the computer generate random teams. The computer comes out with Ban, Jin, and Jessica as one team and Hiro, Yuuya, and Ran as the other. Shortly after they enter the kids meet an LBX player named Asuka Kojo who hopes to enter Artemis. (S)he fears (s)he cannot enter because (s)he is unable to find the CCM. However, Jessica sees it and gets Ban's name cleared of being a thief. Asuka decides to hang out with Ban and his friends after that. Ban also sees other familiar faces in Otared, whose being joined by new team members Otagold and Otasilver. Artemis begins. The prize for this years winner is Crystar Ingram's new Spark 3000. Asuka is placed in Block A, the Otarangers in D, and Daiki/Gouda are placed in Block C along with Team Jackal (the Assassin). A shocker comes up when the NICS kids are placed in the same bracket, E Block. The tournament begins. Asuka debuts the new LBX Vampire Cat. Vampire Cat seems to be outmatched from 2-on-1 teamwork, but Asuka reveals (s)he's been playing around this entire time. Vampire Cat debuts great speed and makes it through Block A without using one finisher.

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