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Suisei no Gargantia EP6 - Festival

Premiered: 2013-05-12

Duration: 00:23:40


Ledo decides to work as a fisherman, but he finds himself unable to pilot a regular Yunboro and sends Chamber to assist the other fishermen instead. Pinion then invites Ledo for lunch and offers him a position at his crew, but Bellows appears and also offers him a job at her salvage team. In the occasion, Amy and her friends dance to the crowd and Ledo mistakes a cooked octopus for a Hideauze and is about to shoot it until the others assure him that it is not an enemy, but food instead. Chamber, who finds himself causing a mess among the fishermen asks for Ledo's help and he uses his mecha to properly help the workers have a nice catch. Later in the night, Amy spends some time alone with Ledo, and a lighting puts him in state of alert and he arms himself to defend her, until she calms him down and dances to him upon his request.

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