Last Exile EP7 - Interesting Claus
Claus and Lavie decide to assist in defending the Sylvana from the Guild, but do they stand a chance in this fierce battle in the sky?
PV Episodes
Main Episodes
EP1 - First Move
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EP2 - Luft Vanship
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EP3 - Transpose
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EP4 - Zugzwang
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EP5 - Positional Play
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EP6 - Arbiter Attack
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EP7 - Interesting Claus
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EP8 - Takeback.
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EP9 - Calculate Alex
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EP10 - Swindle
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EP11 - Develop
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EP12 - Discovered Attack
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EP13 - Isolated Pawn
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EP14 - Etude Lavie
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EP15 - Fairy Chess
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EP16 - Breakthrough
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EP17 - Making Material
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EP18 - Promotion Sophia
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EP19 - Sicilian Defence
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EP20 - Grand Stream
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EP21 - Rook Dio
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EP22 - Queen Delphine
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EP23 - Castling Lucciola
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EP24 - Sealed Move
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EP25 - Quiet Move
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EP26 - Resign