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  • 暮光幻影 第5话
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Phantom in the Twilight EP5 - The Fairy's Lover

Premiered: 2018-07-26

Duration: 00:24:01


Having cut ties with Haysin, Chris and Shinyao hide together in an abandoned hospital. As Shinyao is dependent on Chris, he begins to see her as more than just the human he kidnapped.

Meanwhile, Ton is visited by a beautiful woman named Lydia as the new manager of Cafe Forbidden. Lydia is a leannán sídhe, an kind of Umbra that must never take a human lover. Oblivious to this, Ton accepts her request to find her a human lover. Wayne finds the perfect match for Lydia's criteria, but... he's popular musician Roland Lee.

He is actually Lydia's ex-boyfriend and still hasn't been able to forget her. Roland visits the cafe to meet Lydia, but...

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