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  • 夏目友人帐 伍 第9话
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Natsume Yuujinchou Go EP9 - Following a Narrow Path

Premiered: 2016-12-06

Duration: 00:23:50


The episode starts with Natsume being chased by a hairy youkai. He comes across a tiny mushroom youkai who tells him about a noble youkai named Shuon who was on a journey. Natsume helps the little youkai prepare for his meeting with the noble youkai. When they meet, however, the noble youkai warns the mushroom youkai that the path he takes is a narrow one and asks the little youkai to go back home. But then the little youkai realizes he need to become worthy in order to follow him. Another youkai, who appears to be one of the noble youkai followers, appears and gives a book to the mushroom youkai and tells him to complete the training to join Shoun-sama.

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Count: 0