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  • 幽游白书 第50话
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Yuu☆Yuu☆Hakusho EP50 - Suzuka's Challenge

Premiered: 1993-10-02



Keiko is almost attacked by demons in the forest, but is saved by the appearance of Chu, Rinku, Jin, and Toya. They note that Yusuke has become stronger. Onji creates the dimensional travel sphere and sends Kuwabara back to the other stadium. This elderly fighter then reveals himself to be the clownish Suzuki, as Genkai is elected to fight him. Suzuki strives to be known as a god after first defeating Genkai. He whooshes his rainbow cyclone attack on an unharmed Genkai, who abruptly takes his rubber nose. The two engage in hand-to-hand combat, as Suzuki demonstrates his body of steel muscle explosion technique. Yet despite this, Genkai easily defeats him.

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Count: 0