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Bakemonogatari EP13 - Tsubasa Cat, Part Three

Premiered: 2009-11-03

Duration: 00:26:00


On his way to school, Koyomi finds Mayoi in the middle of the street and assaults her in a teasing manner. Mayoi panics and breaks his finger. Later, Mayoi tells Koyomi that she saw Shinobu at the donut store. Koyomi goes to the school bike rack and gets a text from Tsubasa, asking him to ditch school and come to the playground. He finds her there still in her pajamas and wearing a hat. They talk about her recent headaches and Koyomi persuades her to take her hat off. He finds out that she had grown cat ears. They agree to go to Oshino’s place. When they reach there, they find him crouching, burying something in the dirt. Oshino asks them to come in and hits the side of Tsubasa’s head, knocking her out. Oshino tells Koyomi that at that point, she was already half cat. Tsubasa’s hair turns white, and the cat is revealed.

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