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  • 侦探歌剧 少女福尔摩斯 TD 第6话
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Tantei Kageki Milky Holmes TD EP6 - Everything Will Become F5

Premiered: 2015-02-07

Duration: 24m


Marine comes to learn of an online imposter named Marima who is growing more popular than she is. Milky Holmes tracks down Marima, who agrees to take her videos down on the condition that they can make a video more popular than hers, putting their careers as detectives on the line. Marine soon makes a video that attracts the people's attention in earnest, while Milky Holmes discover that Marima had only got so many views by refreshing her video's page. Marima is then revealed to be possessed by another Element, Dancing, who challenges Milky Holmes to see who can best imitate a good-looking man, which Hercule manages to win due to having a sore throat.


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