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  • 偶像时间美妙天堂 第2话


Idol Time PriPara EP2 - Digging Here, Idol

Premiered: 2017-04-11

Duration: 00:24:25


Laala is surprised to find out there is a boy version of PriPara. Principal Bavaria tells all students that PriPara is for only boys and the female idol is the epitome of unseemliness, banning all the girls to go to Girls' PriPara. Laala tries to get some of the other students to come to PriPara but they are only interested in going to BoyPara. The next day, Yui and her two friends, Hana and Suzu, help Laala to finally dig a tunnel to PriPara. After the speech, Meganee announces they are going to have a competition in June.

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