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  • 歌塑世界 第8话
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Actors: Songs Connection EP8 - concerto

Premiered: 2019-11-24

Duration: 00:23:50


At the karaoke box canzone where Saku works part-time, Sosuke and Uta get into a fight due to differences in their way of thinking about music. Caught in the middle, Saku consults with Yota, but when he sees Iku Naruko and Shio Azabu from the Japan Cultural Research Department clash their beliefs with each other, he comes up with the idea of having Sosuke and Uta prove their correctness by reversing the order of lyrics and composition. And by the two of them colliding with each other to their heart's content, a new song that will break out of their shell will be born!

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Count: 0