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Tian Guan Ci Fu EP4 - The Ghost King Hua Cheng
Premiered: 2020-11-14
Duration: 00:23:28
The episode opens up with the group still being at Xiao Ying's grave. Xie Lian is shocked to see Lang Ying has the Human Face Disease, but Lang Ying runs away before he can ask further. He tells Fu Yao and Nan Feng that they should inform Ling Wen to track him down as soon as possible.
Xie Lian goes to Ling Wen's temple where she tells him that they should talk more in the Spiritual Communication Array. In the array, Feng Xin is demanding someone to take Xuan Ji away from his palace, but Pei Su explains that she would only go madder if Pei Ming's palace took her in. After they find out that Xie Lian met Hua Cheng up on the mountain, the Heavenly Officials tell him about the Four Great Calamities and the story of how Hua Cheng beat 33 Martial and Civil Gods, causing them to be demoted and forgotten.
Most Heavenly Officials leave the array after they decide to find out what the ghosts are planning, but Xie Lian calls out to Feng Xin and Mu Qing to thank them for sending their deputy generals, leaving them stunned.
Later, Ling Wen tells Xie Lian his debt has been cleared. In return, he tells her that he has decided to go to the mortal realm and build a temple for himself. In Puji Village he finds an abandoned one where he settles down. A few villagers come visit and ask what god is being worshiped there, never having heard of the Crown Prince of Xianle before. Xie Lian goes into the village to collect scraps throughout the day. While walking home, he notices an ox cart and gets on to ride with it.
As he reads through the scrolls, another person on the cart suddenly speaks to him. Xie Lian and the young man talk a bit about gods before Xie Lian asks him if he knows anything about Hua Cheng. A flashback of Ling Wen warning Xie Lian of Hua Cheng plays before the episode ends on the young man smiling.
PV Episodes
Main Episodes
EP1 - The Bride Prince
Date:Oct 31, 2020 -
EP2 - Mountain-Locked Ming Guang
Date:Oct 31, 2020 -
EP3 - Confidant's Past Grudge
Date:Nov 7, 2020 -
EP4 - The Ghost King Hua Cheng
Date:Nov 14, 2020 -
EP5 - Chronicles of Puji
Date:Nov 21, 2020 -
EP6 - Lost Crescentian
Date:Nov 28, 2020 -
EP7 - Scorpian-Tailed Snake Shadow
Date:Dec 5, 2020 -
EP8 - Foreboding Wind in the Ancient Country
Date:Dec 12, 2020 -
EP9 - Evil Taoist Scourge
Date:Dec 19, 2020 -
EP10 - Bygone Banyue Days
Date:Dec 26, 2020 -
EP11 - Right and Wrong, Buried in the Sand
Date:Jan 2, 2021
Extra Episodes
Date:Feb 16, 2021