Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! 2 EP10 - God's Blessing on This Wonderful Party!
Premiered: 2017-03-15
Duration: 00:25:00
Evading the angry mob, the gang discover that the source of the town's water is being poisoned by the man from earlier, who is revealed to be one of the Devil King's army leaders, Hans the Deadly Poison Slime.
PV Episodes
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ED 『おうちに帰りたい』
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Main Episodes
EP1 - Give Me Deliverance from This Judicial Injustice!
Date:Jan 11, 2017 -
EP2 - A Friend for This Crimson Demon Girl!
Date:Jan 18, 2017 -
EP3 - Peace for the Master of This Labyrinth!
Date:Jan 25, 2017 -
EP4 - A Betrothed for This Noble Daughter!
Date:Feb 1, 2017 -
EP5 - Servitude for This Masked Knight!
Date:Feb 8, 2017 -
EP6 - Goodbye to This Irritating Living World!
Date:Feb 15, 2017 -
EP7 - An Invitation for This Knucklehead!
Date:Feb 22, 2017 -
EP8 - Sightseeing in This Pitiful City!
Date:Mar 1, 2017 -
EP9 - A Goddess for This Corrupt Hot Springs Town!
Date:Mar 8, 2017 -
EP10 - God's Blessing on This Wonderful Party!
Date:Mar 15, 2017
Extra Episodes
EP11(OVA) God's Blessings on These Wonderful Works of Art!
Date:Jul 24, 2017