Hikikomari Kyuuketsuki no Monmon EP10 - The Princess of Aruka Kingdom
Premiered: 2023-12-16
Duration: 00:23:40
It’s not every day that one unintentionally starts a war, but that’s the situation Komari finds herself in. At least things can’t get any worse, right?
PV Episodes
Main Episodes
EP1 - The Shut-in Vampire Goes Outside
Date:Oct 7, 2023 -
EP2 - A Sudden Insurrection
Date:Oct 14, 2023 -
EP3 - The Darkness of the Shut-in Vampire Princess
Date:Oct 21, 2023 -
EP4 - The Mercy of the Lonely Crimson
Date:Oct 28, 2023 -
EP5 - Sakuna Memoir and the Seven Crimson Lords
Date:Nov 4, 2023 -
EP6 - A Roundtable of Lowlives
Date:Nov 11, 2023 -
EP7 - The Scarlet Stage
Date:Nov 18, 2023 -
EP8 - Wheels of Asterism
Date:Nov 25, 2023 -
EP9 - A Warblade Tea Party
Date:Dec 9, 2023 -
EP10 - The Princess of Aruka Kingdom
Date:Dec 16, 2023 -
EP11 - The Dream-Crushing Paradise
Date:Dec 23, 2023 -
EP12 - A Golden World
Date:Dec 30, 2023
Extra Episodes
EP8.5 - TVアニメ『ひきこまり吸血姫の悶々』六国大戦編突入記念SP
Date:Dec 2, 2023
Count: 1