Aria the Animation EP1 - That Wonderful Miracle...
Premiered: 2005-10-06
Akari Mizunashi, at the age of 15, has left everything behind to travel to Aqua, a sparkling planet covered in water. More than anything, Akari wants to be an "undine" - a female gondolier who navigates the canals of the Aquan city of Neo-Venezia. As she begins her training with the prestigious Aria Company, will she be up to the challenges that await her on the path to achieve her dream?
PV Episodes
Main Episodes
EP1 - That Wonderful Miracle...
Date:Oct 6, 2005 -
EP2 - On That Special Day...
Date:Oct 13, 2005 -
EP3 - With That Transparent Young Girl...
Date:Oct 20, 2005 -
EP4 - That Undeliverable Letter...
Date:Oct 27, 2005 -
EP5 - To That Island Which Shouldn't Exist...
Date:Nov 3, 2005 -
EP6 - That Which You Want to Protect...
Date:Nov 10, 2005 -
EP7 - Doing That Wonderful Job...
Date:Nov 17, 2005 -
EP8 - That Melancholy President... / That Cool Hero...
Date:Nov 24, 2005 -
EP9 - That Starlike Fairy...
Date:Dec 1, 2005 -
EP10 - That Warm Holiday...
Date:Dec 8, 2005 -
EP11 - Those Orange Days...
Date:Dec 15, 2005 -
EP12 - That Soft Wish...
Date:Dec 22, 2005 -
EP13 - That White Morning...
Date:Dec 29, 2005
Extra Episodes
Count: 0