
Yu☆Gi☆Oh! 5D's EP129 - Fight to the Finish Line

Premiered: 2010-09-29

Duration: 24


Yusei faces not only all three Aesirs, but also a countdown from Halldor's trap card, Gjallarhorn, of which the end of the countdown means that the opponent takes damage equal to the combined attack points of all 3 Aesirs, at the cost of removing from play all 3 Aesirs in order to activate the effect, once the countdown has reached its end. At the End Phase of each of Halldor's turns, Gjallarhorn will gain 1 counter, and once it has 3 counters, its effects will activate. Which means that Yusei has only 3 turns to defeat Halldor. Yusei also had to face Halldor's increasing defense. However, Yusei summons out Shooting Star Dragon and deals some damage, before using the trap, Zero Force, to reduce all 3 Aesirs' attack points to 0, resulting in Yusei taking 0 points of damage when the countdown reached its end. Now that all 3 of the Nordic God Cards have been removed from play, Yusei then has Shooting Star Dragon attack Halldor directly, allowing Yusei to win.

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