
Zoids Genesis EP30 - Forest of Monsters

Premiered: 2005-10-30



Garaga and Seijuurou enter the "Demon's Forest", looking for a powerful Zoid pilot named Danbul. Their Zoids begin moving strangely and acting on their own while inside the forest. They run into an old woman who claims to know Danbul, and soon after, are attacked by Bio-Zoids, including two of Digald's new Mega-Raptors. Despite their Zoids being unable to move in the forest, Garaga and Seijuurou prevail using their new upgraded weapons, and a little help from a new arrival, the Kane Wolf, which turns out to be piloted by the old lady. She is revealed to be Danbul, the "man" they were searching for, and agrees to join Ra Kan's army.

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