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Mimori Tougou
Mimori TougouMimori TougouMimori TougouMimori TougouMimori Tougou
  • Official name東郷美森
  • English nameMimori Tougou
  • Chinese name东乡美森
  • Other names鹫尾须美 / とうごう みもり
  • GenderFemale
  • BirthdateApr 8
  • Height158cm
  • BloodtypeAB
  • Likes做点心
  • 喜欢的食物乌冬

『Mimori Tougou』

Yūna's best friend and fellow classmate and club member who lives next door to her and often prefers to be called by her family name. Mimori takes pride in her national heritage and is always ready to defend her country and protect its people. She had lost the use of her legs, along with some of her memories, allegedly due to a car accident. In her hero form, she uses guns and sniping rifles for long-range combat and her ribbons serve as appendages for moving around. She also has three familiars, Gyōbudanuki(刑部狸), Aobōzu(青坊主), and Shiranui(不知火). Later, she gets another familiar named Kawabataru(川蛍). As a result of using her Mankai form, she loses her hearing in her left ear. Like the rest of her Hero Club friends, she recovers after the events of the final episode and regains her memory and the ability to walk.

Prior to the events of the series, she was adopted under the name of Sumi Washio and fought alongside her elementary school classmates Sonoko and Gin. She originally used a bow and arrow in her hero form but later upgraded to a silver rifle. The loss of her legs and memory were actually a result of her using Mankai twice, after which she was returned to her original family and relocated next to Yūna due to her high affinity. Upon meeting Sonoko again, she learns both the truth about the Hero System and the true nature of Shinju.

Play in works
