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Yuuna Yuuki
Yuuna YuukiYuuna YuukiYuuna Yuuki
  • Official name結城友奈
  • English nameYuuna Yuuki
  • Chinese name结城友奈
  • Other namesゆうき ゆうな
  • GenderFemale
  • BirthdateMar 21
  • Height154cm
  • BloodtypeO
  • 学年中学2年生
  • 趣味押し花
  • 好きな食べ物うどん

『Yuuna Yuuki』

A second-year in middle school and member of the Hero Club. She prides herself on being a hero, helping out others in need and always remaining optimistic. She uses armored fists for powerful close-range combat during her hero form and has a cow-like familiar named Gyūki(牛鬼) who, unlike the other familiars, likes to roam freely; she later gets another, cat-like familiar named Kasha(火車). As a result of using her Mankai form, she loses her sense of taste. Later, she uses the Mankai form for a second time and loses the use of her legs. Having fallen into a coma due to her efforts, she regains consciousness after Mimori's voice reaches her, as actually her soul was out of her body in a black hole-like realm. She soon recovers and regains her sense of taste and the ability to walk.

Play in works
