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  • Official nameレヴィス
  • English nameRevis
  • GenderFemale

『Revis 』

Revis(レヴィス) was a Creature who worked for Enyo.

Revis had blood red hair and green eyes along with a cold expression. She originally wore a light colored battle cloth, but later switched to a red one that looked like she took it from an adventurer she had killed.

Revis thought of herself as nothing more than a tool of her master, rebuking Olivas for believing that they were"chosen beings". True to her belief, she was loyal and followed missions to their fullest extent. Nonetheless, she wasn't blindly obedient, as she refused Ein's order to deal with the Loki Familia who were on their way to the 59th Floor, telling her that she didn't mind being used, but would act on her own.

While she demonstrated loyalty to the Demi Spirit, it seemed to stem from being connected to it and listening to its wishes rather than from genuine devotion. She found its constant insistence on wanting to see the sky annoying and aggresively told it to shut up when she finally got fed up with it.

Forced to follow the Demi Spirit's will, the only thing Revis cared for was to always get done with whichever task she was given as quick as possible. She lacked any sort of modesty or sensibility, using her body to lure Hashana and getting naked in front of him without displaying shame, while later employing a dreadful method like wearing his skin as a mask to hide her identity. To this, annoyance was the sole emotion she displayed whatsoever every time things became more complicated or her plans were thwarted. Her outbursts could be quite agressive as she crushed Hashana's head to vent her furstation once. She could also be resentful, as she referred to cutting Finn down and leaving him fatally wounded as payback for the beatdown he gave her. Due to having been granted a tremendous might, Revis considered herself an extremely dangerous enemy and was firmly confident of her abilities.

Even with traits like those, she demonstrated to be a rational person who knew better than to let her anger or confidence take over. When her enemies proved to be too powerful for her to win or she deemed her mission a failure, she sought to retreat as soon as possible.

Having become a Creature, Revis ended up losing all the emotions that she had prior to her transformation, giving place to the usual monotony and habitual disinterest that for so long accompanied her. However, her quest to capture Ais and consequent repeated clashes with her ended up causing a flame to be fanned within her little by little. Ultimately, her desire to defeat the mighty adventurer became the only stimulus in her life, causing her to once again display emotions, such as exaltation.

Play in works
