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  • Official nameオッタル
  • English nameOttarl
  • GenderMale


Ottar(オッタル) is the captain of the Freya Familia and is currently the only Level 7 in Orario.

Ottar is tall and heavily muscular Boaz with rust-colored hair and eyes along with a pair of boar ears. He wears a dark blue sleeveless top with a red pectoral part with a collar like part, grey pants, and brown and gray shoes.

Ottar is a very quiet simple person who tends to maintain a stoic expression most of the time. His constant monotony is a trait that has accompanied him from an early age. As a kid he did not cry or laugh and lacked the characteristic tenderness of children, limiting himself to just following Freya.

Similarly, from a young age he developed another of his main distinctive traits, which is his devotion to his Goddess.

Ottar is extremely loyal to Freya and will follow her orders. Nonetheless, he isn't blindly obedient nor is he clouded by his loyalty. He has repeatedly argued against her wishes for the consequences that these could entail or has acted on his own when he believes that it is the best for her.

He is shown to not feel any jealousy toward Freya's interest in Bell and does not allow anyone to insult Freya, becoming enraged if anyone does so. His devotion to her has represented one of his main motivations in his life, serving as his first incentive to become stronger.

He believes the opposite of Eina, believing that adventurers would never break out their shell if they didn't adventure. Linked to this, he is a quite harsh person in his training methods.

He seems to hold a high standard as to the level of ability that he expects of each individual, such expectations being possibly exceeded only by the degree of demand he has for himself.

When he prepared a Minotaur for Bell he made sure to strengthen it extensively as, although he did not feel jealous, according to him the boy had to meet a minimum to be worthy of the attention of his Goddess. During the week that he dedicated to training Ais he wasn't gentle with the swordsman at any moment, constantly pushing her to her limits with no room for breaks and throwing attacks that could easily kill her in case she made the slightest slip.

As one of the few adventurers who are still active that has clashed with the Zeus and Hera Familias, his personality is greatly influenced by his experiences facing them. Despite losing countless times confronting them, he never held a grudge against them but blamed himself for his own inadequacies and weakness, his hatred for this weakness being one of his main motivations for becoming stronger.

Having grown with figures such as the Levels 8 and 9 from Zeus and Hera Ottar has always been dissatisfied with his power and considers himself to still be green despite being a far more powerful and seasoned warrior than anyone else from the current generation.

He remains humble of his abilities and never gloats about it. Ottar also recognizes his defects and is conscious of his lack of ability as a leader. However, he does not belittle himself either, not hesitating to acknowledge that he is stronger than someone else.

His most admired trait is his unabating will and resolve to always surpass his limits. He often looks for new challenges to face and shows interest upon hearing of opponents who may present a good duel, his fighting spirit rekindling after hearing how powerful Revis was. He is well respected by Gods and mortals alike with influential people like Finn trusting him completely even though they are from different Familias.

As someone centered on gettting stronger, he will follow any advice to attain his goal, sometimes taking it a bit too far. When Mia told him that he wouldn't be able to grow if he didn't ate properly, he started to eat every day with a voracious and unbelievable apettite, a habit that he keeps to this very day.

Despite being a member of the Freya Familia, he has been shown to help others, such as when he used an elixir on Mikoto after she used an Ignis Fatuus against Ishtar Familia.

He also recognizes and respects those who are strong or accomplish a great feat, as well as those who demonstrate great resolve to become stronger, such as when he recognized Ais' tenacity to get stronger or when he praises Bell every time he overcomes a challenge.

Although he is not particularly sociable, he is a very perceptive fighter regarding others in combat, capable to understand their thoughts and their resolution without exchanging a single word, realizing all this through the will that they transmit and show through their weapons when he faces them.

Play in works
