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Tamamo no Mae
  • Official name玉藻前
  • English nameTamamo no Mae
  • Chinese name玉藻前
  • Other names白面金毛九尾の狐 / タマ / タマモ
  • GenderFemale

『Tamamo no Mae』

Known by her pet name Tama(タマ), she is a golden nine-tailed fox and the main antagonist of the series. First appearing in chapter 28 of the manga, assuming the guise of a small child, she is a very powerful ayakashi despite her appearance. Because she is not as powerful as she was before she was sealed, she eats other ayakashi to restore her yōkai powers and seems to have an insatiable appetite for them, once devouring an entire countryside of them in her first appearance. When she first tried to eat Himari(to be specific, her breasts), she states that she wasn't delicious because she was holding back her true nature, and as such, sends numerous ayakashi in an attempt to compel Himari to show her true power, which almost succeeded during the Christmas Eve fight. She is portrayed as a quiet girl who rarely speaks, having Shuten-dōji speak for her on most occasions, and is always seen eating something, be it another ayakashi or some sweets. In the anime, she is defeated by Himari in her ayakashi form but survives and is last seen in Yuto's house eating lunch with the other girls.

Tama has the ability to levitate, use telekinesis to move large objects or trap her opponents, and can generate force fields powerful enough to break a single sword on impact. In chapters 40-43 of the manga, she assumes an adult form(later revealed to be her true form in a later chapter according to her conversation with Rinko) while Yuto and the others were temporarily residing in a ski resort owned by Kofuyu, where she showed a sexual interest in Yuto. She is significantly more powerful in this form and is able to generate large amounts of yōki enough to overpower Himari and the others, though because of her current state she is vulnerable to powerful attacks, such as the case with Himari through the teamwork of Yuto and the others.

In chapter 62 after witnessing Shuten-douji's death, she goes on a full rampage, which eventually backfires after Himari consumes almost all her power. Eventually, it is revealed that due to either Himari consuming Tama's powers or due to the shock of witnessing Himari's true form, she lost all her memories and her mind reverted to an infantile state.

In the anime when she changes into her full fox form, a large ring with nine smaller rings appears around her neck, with the flame inside of each ring representing the number of tails she has. She does not take such a form in the manga(as of Volume 10), instead taking on a form similar to Himari's, sporting fox ears and nine tails.

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