  • Official name沙砂
  • English nameSasa
  • Chinese name沙砂
  • Other namesささ
  • GenderFemale


An ippon-datara(一本ダタラ), a monopedal cyclops-like demon that lives in mountains. He is Ageha's accomplice that attacked Shizuku, Kaya, and Rinko at Yuto's grandparents' house, but was defeated and captured by Shizuku. In his second appearance, he assumes a bipedal form with androgynous features. After Rinko took him out to eat ice cream at Café Relish, he stopped the fight between Ageha and Himari at her request. Sasa can summon giant pillars from the sky to crush his opponents, increase his mass at will, and fire energy beams from his eye. However, because of his androgynous appearance, he is originally mistaken for a girl, especially since in Chapter 24 he is wearing a skirt(according to him, trousers would interfere with his changing back into his monopedal form). It is mentioned by Ageha in the anime that his kind are excellent swordsmiths and as such, can repair and restore broken swords to their original condition and strength.

Sasa's anime incarnation portrays him as bipedal and his gender has been changed to a girl. Also, like Ageha, he/she becomes a supporting character following Shuten-dōji and Tama's appearance, and plays a key role in restoring Himari's Yasutsuna by shooting it with his/her eye, something that was originally done by Kuesu in the manga by recreating it through some sort of time magic.

Play in works


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