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Ukyou Saionji
  • Official name西園寺羽京
  • English nameUkyou Saionji
  • Chinese name西园寺羽京
  • Other namesさいおんじ うきょう / Saionji Ukyo
  • GenderMale
  • BirthdateJun 5
  • Height173cm
  • Weight63kg
  • BloodtypeA

『Ukyou Saionji』

Birthday: June 5th

Gender: Male

Height: 173 cm (5'8")

Weight: 63 kg

Hair Color: White

Eye Color: Green

Blood Type: A

Ukyou Saionji is a modern-day survivor who was revived by Tsukasa Shishio.

He always proposes the use of non-violence, but will relent if not possible.

Ukyou is in charge of intel gathering and security.

As a result of his career as a sonar technician while working for the SDF Navy, Ukyou now has extremely sensitive hearing which allows him to locate a target with pinpoint accuracy by sound alone.

Also he is a very skilled archer and is shown to be bilingual, as he is able to speak both Japanese and English.

He joined the Kingdom of Science after speaking to Senkuu and Gen with the buried phone but demanded that no one will be killed.

Play in works
