  • Official nameフラン
  • English nameFran
  • Chinese name芙兰
  • Other names星尘魔女 / 星屑の魔女
  • GenderFemale


Flan is a witch generally avoided by others, who lives deep inside a forest. Known as the Stardust Witch, she wears long robes with a starry pattern on the inside. Elaina approaches her after every other witch in the area had refused to take her on as an apprentice, and soon discovers that Flan is not only eccentric, but difficult to live with as well.

After Elaina breaks down out of frustration that Flan was refusing to teach her the skills needed to be a witch, Flan explains that Elaina's parents had paid her to truly test Elaina's endurance and resolve towards the path she'd chosen. Following a duel between them, Flan reveals that her bad attitude had been a ruse and her real, compassionate self hated treating Elaina poorly. With the air finally cleared, Flan finally treats Elaina as a proper apprentice and begins teaching her.

Play in works


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