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Kamito Kazehaya
  • Official nameカゼハヤ・カミト
  • English nameKamito Kazehaya
  • Chinese name风早神人
  • Other namesレン・アッシュベル
  • Gender
  • 精霊魔装「右手」魔王殺しの聖剣(デモン・スレイヤー)〉
  • 契約精霊「右手」テルミヌス・エスト
  • 精霊魔装「左手」真実を貫く剣(ヴォーパル・ソード)
  • 契約精霊「左手」レスティア

『Kamito Kazehaya』

Age: 13 (Ren Ashbell), 16

Contracted Spirits: Restia, Est

The main protagonist of Seirei Tsukai no Blade Dance. He sees Claire bathing in the forest and becomes her slave spirit. He is also friends with other girls in the academy.

His Spirit is Terminus Est. His past Spirit was the Darkness Spirit Restia. He was trained at the Instructional School, and was disguised as the Strongest Blade Dancer Ren Ashbell in the past.Inside of him, he has the power of the Demon King, Ren Ashdoll.He gets amnesia in the prologue of Vol.12.

Play in works
