- Official name:暁山瑞希
- English name:Mizuki Akiyama
- Chinese name:晓山瑞希
- Other names:Amia / あきやま みずき
- Gender:Male
- Birthdate:Aug 27
- Height:163cm→165cm
- 学校:神山高校
- 学年:1-A→2-B
- 趣味:動画素材集め / コラージュ
- 特技:洋服のアレンジ
- 苦手なもの・こと:熱い食べ物
- 组合:25時 / ナイトコードで。
『Mizuki Akiyama』
Gender: Unknown
Birthday: August 27th
Height: 165cm
Hobbies: Making Videos, Collages
Specialty: Redesigning clothes
Favorite Food: Curry rice, French fries
Least Favorite Food: Mushrooms
Dislikes: Foods that are too hot
Mizuki likes to uploads MVs online. They were captivated by Yoisaki Kanade's music upon listening to it. Kanade saw the MVs Mizuki made and invited them to her circle.
Mizuki has a secret no one in the circle knows about.
Play in works
Count: 0